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DaKanji 3.4.1 released

Hey guys!

This is a smaller release to focus on the issues and bugs that people made me aware of especially on Reddit.
Here are the changes:

• Added drawer manual
• Show word frequency in dictionary if selected
• Quick send to anki
• Quick add to wordlist

Fixed / Improved:
• Improved performance with Flutter 3.22
• iOS keyboard is not dismissible on text screen
• Spaces between PoS elements of dictionary entries
• Updated sentry for better handled / unhandled tags
• Word list sorting text hard to read in light mode
• Anki integration on windows
• Katakana origins images not loading
• Mecab not loading on iOS/MacOS/certain configurations
• Sharing entries as image does not respect the current theme
• Onboarding: Pressing the next button does not trigger animations
• Drawing: when pressing repeatedly the undo button the predictions are not cleared
• Exception when checking for new release
• Some texts used Chinese characters instead of Japanese
• Kanji tab starts scrolled part-way down #95



You are learning Japanese?
Then you need to try DaKanji!


daapplab [at]

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